Improving Lives Together

Public Health & Research

Health Care Access

Health Insurance Enrollment

We can help you enroll in free or low-cost health insurance through:

  • NY State of Health: For New York State residents

  • NYC Care: For New York City residents who are not eligible for or cannot afford health insurance

  • GetCovered NJ: For New Jersey residents

For free and confidential counseling and healthcare enrollment assistance, make an appointment with us. Korean, Chinese, and Spanish-speaking navigators are available.

Advocacy & Education

We are part of the Managed Care & Consumer Assistance Program (MCCAP) network. Our counselors can help you understand your healthcare options and coverage or resolve medical billing issues, appeals, and complaints.


As part of the Independent Consumer Advocacy Network (ICAN), we can help you find and enroll in a managed care plan if you are enrolled in Medicaid and in need of long-term care or behavioral health services.

Hepatitis B & Liver Health

Disease Prevention & Management

Asian Americans make up 6% of the U.S. population but account for 60% of Americans living with it. We aim to raise greater awareness of this health disparity through educational events and provide free hepatitis B screenings at our community center in Bayside on Fridays (Bi-weekly) every month.

The NYC Hep B Coalition-The NYC Hepatitis B Coalition Mission is to coordinate efforts to prevent, manage and reduce hepatitis B among all residents of New York City. The coalition seeks to foster an inclusive collaboration among all stakeholders to advance hepatitis B awareness, screening, access to care, and vaccination through education, outreach, advocacy, and support of research.

Women's Health
Early detection is the key to beating breast cancer, the second leading cause of death among women. Every month, we provide free mammogram screenings to community members, regardless of their health insurance or immigration status.
  • Must be at least 40 years of age
  • Must be a resident of one of the 5 boroughs of NYC
  • 12 months have elapsed since the last mammogram
  • No breast implants
Food & Nutrition

In partnership with Public Health Solutions (PHS), we connect low-income, food-insecure patients at NYC Health + Hospitals locations in Queens to food and nutrition services.

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Medically tailored meals
  • Chronic Disease Self-Management Program
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