Key Findings Unveiled: Survey Sheds Light on Korean American Seniors’ Challenges

Key Findings Unveiled: Survey Sheds Light on Korean American Seniors’ Challenges

Collaborative Research Efforts Reveal Crucial Insights

The Korean American Community Foundation (KACF), in a collaborative effort with the Asian American Federation (AAF), recently unveiled a pivotal survey at the KCS Flushing Senior Center. This survey, significantly contributed to by the center’s senior members, provides a comprehensive look into the living conditions faced by Korean American seniors. It covers a wide range of areas including housing, caregiving, transportation, finance, medical care, and social participation.

Survey Highlights and the Path Forward

The findings from the survey are alarming; they show that 60% of Korean seniors struggle with the costs necessary for basic living. This crucial data not only highlights the immediate issues but also sets the stage for future advocacy and policy-making aimed at alleviating these challenges. As we continue to delve deeper into the results, stay tuned for more updates and details on our initiatives to address these pressing concerns.
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