Advocating for AAPI Public & Mental Health at the City Council Hearing

Advocating for AAPI Public & Mental Health at the City Council Hearing

Emphasizing the Need for Support

In May, the City Council Finance held a joint hearing with the Committee on Health, the Committee on Mental Health, Disabilities and Addiction, and the Committee on Hospitals. Representatives from the Asian American Federation (AAF) and partner AAPI organizations, including Korean Community Services (KCS), testified about the critical need for increased support for AAPI public & mental health. They highlighted the unique challenges faced by the AAPI community, emphasizing the urgency for more comprehensive health resources and funding.

Showcasing Our Impact

During the hearing, KCS and its partners shared the impactful work being done to address health needs through culturally competent services and community outreach. They presented compelling narratives and data, showcasing how existing programs are making a difference. This testimony aimed to demonstrate the tangible benefits of current initiatives and the potential for even greater impact with increased support. The hearing was a pivotal moment, galvanizing support from key stakeholders and fostering hope for meaningful policy changes.

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