Sustainability Unveiled: Exploring Food, Tradition, and Innovation

Sustainability Unveiled: Exploring Food, Tradition, and Innovation

Exploring Sustainability in Food: A Culinary Journey with KCS Associate Board

Join us on February 28th for an enlightening exploration into the realm of sustainability in food, hosted by the KCS Associate Board. Delve into the intersection of Korean culinary traditions and contemporary sustainability practices as we uncover the impacts of Jangdokdae fermentation, alternative proteins, and the ‘zero-waste philosophy’ on food sustainability, economics, and social equity. Renowned NYC-based culinary pioneer, Jehangir Mehta, will grace us with his expertise, shedding light on the restaurant industry’s ongoing efforts towards sustainability.

Networking with a Purpose: Connecting Through Food and Ideas

Whether you’re an experienced chef, a dedicated home cook, or simply someone who relishes good food and engaging conversation, this event is tailored for you. Network with like-minded individuals while indulging in delightful drinks from Brooklyn Cider House, delectable bites from Barnjoo, and an intriguing twist with Brooklyn Bugs’ bug kimchi. Mark your calendars and join us for an evening of culinary delight and meaningful connections. We look forward to welcoming you!

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